What is Made Better (tm) Certified?
We have been recognized for our committment to ethically sourcing products + raising the bar on safety, sustainability, and transparency.
What are Made Better (tm) Standards?
Free from pesticides, harmful dyes, chemical fertilizers (ew) & other synthetic additives.
All Natural
No synthetic additives, only ingredients from nature. We like it natural :)
Gluten Free
This one’s easy ;) Our products do not contain gluten.
Cruelty Free
We do not & will not participate in harming animals. All of our Auntie M's Creations products are cruelty-free, always.
Allergen Free
Sayin’ no to common allergens with products free of wheat, gluten, fish or shellfish, egg, soy, peanut or tree nut ingredients or traces.
Sustainably Made
Manufactured using renewable ingredients & practices, like our wooden wicks, which come from FSC Certified mills!
Simple. 100% recyclable & eager to be converted into new things ;) In fact, all of our packaging materials are recyclable (at minimum)!
Where innovation meets sustainability. We give leftover product and ingredients a second life in new products with a zero waste approach.
Our vegan products contain no animal products or animal-derived ingredients. Nada. None. Zero.
Diacetyl Free
Associated with damaging lung function, diacetyl is a flavoring agent. Flavor oils in our products absolutely, 100% do not contain diacetyl.
Toxin Free
Various categories of toxins can pose adverse health effects from exposure. We’re proud to say that our products do not contain reproductive, acute or organ toxins. No way!
Phthalate Free
Phthalates are lil scent carriers that help scents linger longer. Some types of phthalates have affected the reproductive system of laboratory animals. We ain’t about that, so none of our fragrances contain phthalates.
Mutagen Free
Chemicals or physical agents that can change our genetic makeup in a harmful way? Nope. Not about it. Exposure to mutagens can produce DNA mutations that contribute to disease, that’s why none of our products contain them.
Carcinogen Free
Ingredients on the California Prop 65 list are are known to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm - no thanks. None of our fragrances are on this list and do not require Prop 65 labeling.
Paraben Free
Parabens are a family of related (icky) chemicals that are commonly used as preservatives in cosmetic products. See ya never! Our products are always specially formulated without parabens.
Guilt Free
You can buy our products and feel assured that the care we put into our products is because we love about what we do, and want you to have the best self-care experience.
Boletin informativo
© 2023 por Auntie M's Creations. Creado con orgullo por NCM